What we do

Be part of the PREF-X community

PREF-X design is based on best market practices as defined in the Euro PP charter. The framework is flexible and can be adapted for the specific needs of the participants internal systems. The Euro PP market community will fully benefit from PREF-X added value when more and more participants to a transaction join the platform. It is through the active presence of all transaction stakeholders that actual effectiveness will be fully beneficial to all.

Allows members to optimize time and resources when negotiating deal and through the life of the transaction.

Re-enforce data security and confidentiality of transactions.

Reduces operational risk through standardization of workflows based on best market practices.

Simplifies communication between participants to a transaction. Investors have direct to access to borrowers .

Improves regulatory compliance of the operational processes.

A unique place to look for deal’s information, available at hand. Transaction monitoring is facilitated.

Develops customized solutions to meet specific client needs and facilitate process integration into current client’s processes and procedures.


Continuous improvement

PREF-X ambition is to support continuous improvement of the interfaces and services offered to members, relying upon its own expertise and on users’ feedback.

Increased confidentiality

Access to the platform is only granted to participants authorized by the borrower and/or the arranger. Confidential documents do no longer circulate by email.

Saved time for every member

Tracking of working documents’ versions is simplified. The recurring information gathering process and the monitoring of the borrowing are streamlined. Investors have timely direct access to information provided by the issuers.

Operational risk reduced

Regulatory compliance is accommodated. Audit trails are available (tracking of document access and modifications). Sharing of KYC information is facilitated. Logs are available at hand.